
Waiting Together
Waiting Together

by Carol Kent

Due to events beyond your control, you find yourself with a loved one in prison. What now? Carol Kent has been there and knows what it’s like to have life flipped upside down. She writes Waiting Together from a heart that understands what it’s like to navigate a new normal, offering hope and healing from a Biblical perspective. This 90-day guide, filled with devotions, prayers, and Scripture, comforts hurting hearts and shows how God can bless families in similar situations.

Speak up for the people who have no voice, for the rights of all the down-and-outers. Speak out for justice. Stand up for the poor and destitute.
Proverbs 31:8-9 MSG

Prison Razor Wire

Vision: To help inmates and their families adjust to their new normal.

Mission: We exist to provide hope to inmates and their families through encouragement and resources.

Jason, Carol, and Gene Kent

Jason, Carol, and Gene Kent

This ministry was born out of Carol and Gene Kent’s experiences with their own son.

Watch Carol’s segment on the Billy Graham Prime Time Special.

Sometimes we choose to make sacrifices; we tighten our belts to pay for the education of our children, or we give up a treasured day off to help a friend in need. Then there are sacrifices for which we have no say–like “Isaac experiences” as described in Genesis 22–which are thrust upon us without warning or survival instructions. We eventually discover we are living in “a new kind of normal.”

See Kent’s Story


  1. […] Carol and Gene to become advocates for prisoners and their needs. They have started a foundation, Speak Up for Hope, that supplies food packages, educational and chapel resources for […]

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