Hope For the Heart Womens Outreach

Jenn B Adams

Jenn B Adams

This year We decided to do something different at our Church’s annual Hope for the Heart Women’s conference. It was suggested by Cassie Fuerst that we incorporate a service project into the event. We did some research into what our speaker, Carol Kent had a service passion for, and soon found the Boxes of Hope ministry. We had around 440 women attend our event, and each woman was encouraged to bring a listed item for the boxes to Hope for the Heart. What a blessing it was!

hopefortheheart1We received enough items to pack 20 boxes of encouragement to women who have loved ones incarcerated. Two weeks later, we invited women in our church and community to meet together to pack these items. I was honored to be serving with my fellow sisters in Christ as we put the boxes together, each one having it’s own personal touches. As we read over the life stories of the women, we prayed together for each box.

hopefortheheart2We also wept as our hearts felt their pain. In contrast, we were filled with joy, hoping that as these women received these boxes, it would place hope in their hearts and strengthen them. It was our desire to show these women God’s love…after all, isn’t that what we,as Christians, are called to do? I am convinced that we were created and designed to serve one another. I would encourage anyone who has an opportunity to get involved with Boxes of Hope ministry. What a joy it is to do God’s work!