Boxes of Hope

Jennie Afman Dimkoff
Thanks for stopping by the Speak Up for Hope Blog! My name is Jennie Afman Dimkoff, and I have the joy of serving on the board of this great organization that encourages so many people. I also happen to be Carol’s sister, which makes me part of the family.

As you may imagine, when Carol and Gene Kent travel around the country and have the opportunity to minister and share the story about their son, Jason, it strikes a cord in the hearts of thousands of other people who have had tragedy and heartache in their lives. As a result, mail and e-mail pours in, and each is read and prayed over by loving family members of the Kents. (Pauline Afman, our eighty seven year old mom, who is a prayer warrior, prays over every letter, but you will hear more about her and our sister, Bonnie in another blog!) Every correspondence is responded to, but some of the situations we read about are so dire, that it is determined that something more should be done for the individual or family to encourage them. And so, the idea of the “Hope Box” came to be.

Each box is lovingly and beautifully packed and includes one or more of the following items: stationery, a CD, a great book, a coffee mug with flavored coffees or tea, bath or toiletry products, a lovely journal, a candle, a Bible, and many other comfort items. Plus, the whimsical face of a small Beanie Baby or another small stuffed animal like a lamb with a note card that says “God knows your name” or a lion that says, “Be strong and courageous” peeks out of the crinkle cut packaging. Every hope box also includes a personal letter of encouragement from a member of the Hope Staff, letting them know that they have been prayed for personally.

When people ask me, “How can I encourage Carol and Gene or help Speak Up for Hope?” I happily tell them, “Contribute to the Hope Box ministry. It costs about $30.00 to fill and send one box of encouragement to someone who really needs it. We’ll do the work of packaging and sending it out. You can send your donation to: Speak Up for Hope, PO Box 6262, Lakeland, Florida, 33803, or donate online on this website.

Stop by our blog again, and please pray for this ministry. We appreciate you so much!

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18